During IAMAI's marketing conclave, professionals in the industry talked about how AI is revolutionising marketing techniques.

During the marketing conclave hosted by the Internet and Mobile Association of India, a panel discussion focused on the influence of AI on the marketing environment. The panel included Arun Srinivas, director of Meta’s ads business; Vednarayan Sirdeshpande, director of Mondelez International’s consumer digital; Soumitra Dhankar, senior solution and consulting manager at Adobe; G Shainesh, professor of marketing at IIM Bangalore; and Satish Saraf, co-founder of ValueLeaf.
The panel was moderated by Prasad Shejale, CEO of Logicserve Digital. The conversation made clear that, in the constantly changing field of digital marketing, the transformation is not about replacing marketers, but rather about giving them the tools they need to rethink tactics and provide unmatched value using AI.
AI is changing the script for marketers
Shainesh started the seminar by discussing the applications of AI in marketing. He said, “A company must keep track of its consumer portfolio. Evaluating client lifetime value is crucial, and mapping a vast amount of data is required. Therefore, by offering distinctive solutions for various customer silos, AI might be a use case in this field.
Speaking about the use of AI for personalization at Meta, Srinivas revealed that, “As Mark Zuckerberg mentioned in this year’s Q1 earnings call, around 40% of material on an Instagram feed is curated by AI and not the individuals a user follows. For advertisers and marketers to improve their targeting, our next move is to improve these machine learning capabilities.
Breaking creative clutter through AI
“AI will enhance marketing capabilities and hyper-personalize campaigns for consumers,” said Sirdeshpande, highlighting how marketers can stay ahead of the curve with AI products. Targeting audiences personally is facilitated by the use of tactical generative AI. This will enable marketers to reach out to groups that they otherwise wouldn’t be able to, increasing the impact of their advertising.” Dhankar weighed the benefits and cons of AI and said that if companies and agencies ignore copyright concerns and credibility, AI solutions could be harmful. Working with a non-human entity makes it challenging to determine whether information is true and trustworthy. We must tackle it using sandboxing, a cybersecurity technique in which code is executed, examined, and analysed in a secure, isolated setting.
Source: Campaign India