
Social Media Marketing Packages & Pricing

Social Media Marketing is the fastest way to reach your targeted audience helping you develop your Brands Trust & Authority in the market. Sharing your Offers/ Discounts, increasing Engagement with your clients and customers using various Social Media Marketing channels like Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin, Youtube, Snapchat, TickTok, you name it. BDL’s Social Media Marketing Strategy is composite & unique for every business keeping in mind your business’s life cycle stages, digital challenges & objectives to be achieved. Select from BDL’s Advanced and Integrated Social Media Marketing Packages below beneficial for Start-Ups, MSME’s, Entreprises, Brands helping you connect with your Business & Revenue Models effecting your ATL & BTL.







Package Tenure (Min. 3 Months)

Facebook Marketing

Instagram Marketing





Package Tenure (Min. 3 Months)

Facebook Marketing

Instagram Marketing

LinkedIn Marketing

Youtube Marketing

Twitter Marketing - X Marketing





Package Tenure (Min. 3 Months)

Facebook Marketing

Instagram Marketing

LinkedIn Marketing

Youtube Marketing

Twitter Marketing - X Marketing





Package Tenure (Min. 3 Months)

Facebook Marketing

Instagram Marketing





Package Tenure (Min. 3 Months)

Facebook Marketing

Instagram Marketing

LinkedIn Marketing

Youtube Marketing

Twitter Marketing - X Marketing





Package Tenure (Min. 3 Months)

Facebook Marketing

Instagram Marketing

LinkedIn Marketing

Youtube Marketing

Twitter Marketing - X Marketing



$540 USD

$385 USD

Package Tenure (Min. 3 Months)

Facebook Marketing

Instagram Marketing



$815 USD

$625 USD

Package Tenure (Min. 3 Months)

Facebook Marketing

Instagram Marketing

LinkedIn Marketing

Youtube Marketing

Twitter Marketing - X Marketing



$1188 USD

$899 USD

Package Tenure (Min. 3 Months)

Facebook Marketing

Instagram Marketing

LinkedIn Marketing

Youtube Marketing

Twitter Marketing - X Marketing



Convert Brand Into Sales & Get High Revenue

What is Social Media Marketing?

Social media marketing today involves leveraging various social platforms to connect, engage, and build relationships with audiences for brand promotion, customer acquisition, and retention. It encompasses a range of strategies and activities tailored to specific platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, TikTok, and more. Social platforms helps in developing that trust in your Logo, slowly converting it into a Brand with Loyal customers.

Key practices in today's social media marketing include

  1. Content Strategy: Crafting and sharing diverse content formats (videos, images, stories, articles) that resonate with the target audience.

  2. Community Engagement: Actively interacting with followers, responding to comments, messages, and participating in discussions to foster a sense of community.

  3. Influencer Collaborations: Partnering with influencers or micro-influencers to amplify brand reach and credibility among their followers.

  4. Paid Advertising: Utilizing targeted ads on social platforms to reach specific demographics, boost visibility, and drive conversions.

  5. Analytics and Data-Driven Decisions: Using insights from platform analytics to refine strategies, understand audience behavior, and optimize content performance.

  6. Ephemeral Content: Embracing temporary content formats like Stories (Instagram, Facebook) and Fleets (Twitter) for real-time engagement.

  7. E-commerce Integration: Leveraging social platforms for direct shopping experiences or integrating links to drive sales.

  8. User-Generated Content (UGC): Encouraging customers to create content about the brand, leveraging their experiences as authentic marketing material.

  9. Social Listening: Monitoring conversations about the brand or industry, understanding sentiment, and addressing customer concerns or feedback promptly.

  10. Video Dominance: Capitalizing on the popularity of video content across platforms to convey brand messages, tutorials, or behind-the-scenes content.

  11. Purposeful Branding: Aligning marketing efforts with values and causes to resonate with socially conscious audiences.

  12. Adapting to Algorithm Changes: Staying agile and adjusting strategies based on evolving platform algorithms and user preferences.

Today’s social media marketing involves a blend of creativity, data analysis, and consistent adaptation to trends and consumer behavior to build robust brand presence and engagement.

How does a planned Social Media Marketing Strategy help your business grow?

  1. Bareth Digital Lab’s meticulously planned social media marketing strategy serves as a catalyst for business growth in several impactful ways:

    1. Targeted Audience Engagement: Through precise audience segmentation and tailored content, their strategy ensures meaningful engagement with the right demographics, fostering strong connections with potential customers.

    2. Brand Visibility and Awareness: Bareth Digital Lab’s strategy focuses on elevating brand visibility by consistently delivering compelling and relevant content, expanding reach and recognition among the target market.

    3. Conversion Optimization: Their approach is geared toward converting social media interactions into leads and eventual sales, strategically guiding followers through the sales funnel with compelling calls-to-action and conversion-focused content.

    4. Data-Driven Insights: Leveraging analytics and insights, Bareth Digital Lab refines their strategies based on real-time data, ensuring continuous improvement and maximizing ROI.

    5. Innovative Campaigns and Content: Their strategy incorporates innovative campaigns and diverse content formats that resonate with the audience, keeping the brand fresh, engaging, and aligned with current trends.

    6. Community Building: By fostering a sense of community and actively engaging with their audience, Bareth Digital Lab establishes brand loyalty and advocacy, leading to long-term customer relationships.

    7. Adaptability and Agility: Their strategy embraces the ever-evolving landscape of social media, adapting swiftly to platform changes, emerging trends, and shifts in consumer behavior, ensuring the brand stays relevant.

    8. Collaborations and Partnerships: Bareth Digital Lab strategically collaborates with influencers or partners, leveraging their networks to amplify brand reach and credibility within the target market.

    9. Customer-Centric Approach: Their strategy prioritizes customer satisfaction, actively addressing queries, feedback, and concerns, thereby enhancing the brand’s reputation for excellent customer service.

    10. Measurable Results: Bareth Digital Lab’s approach is goal-oriented, with clear KPIs and metrics to track performance, allowing for tangible measurement of the impact and success of their social media efforts.

    Ultimately, Bareth Digital Lab’s meticulously planned social media marketing strategy is a comprehensive roadmap designed to not only elevate brand presence and engagement but also drive tangible business growth through increased leads, conversions, and customer loyalty.

Will BLD’s Social Media Marketing Packages help me achieve my business goals?

Yes, BLD’s Social Media Marketing Packages will assist in achieving your business goals through tailored strategies, expert execution, and measurable outcomes, provided they align with your specific objectives and are implemented effectively within your business context.

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